lundi 18 juillet 2011

Lascaux cave paintings

La grotte de Lascaux est l'une des plus importantes grottes ornées du Paléolithique par le. The discovery of the monumental Lascaux cave in 19brought with it a new era in our knowledge of both prehistoric art and human origins.

La celèbre grotte ornée vieille de 0ans. Présentation du site, visite virtuelle, historique des découvertes, test des connaissances. Lascaux is famous for its Palaeolithic cave paintings, found in a complex of caves in the Dordogne region of southwestern France, because of .

Recommendations for the future of the Lascaux Cave. Comparisons have repeatedly been made with medicine, concerning diseases that the Lascaux Cave . Artists have completed a meticulous, three-year task of creating a life-size replica of the renowned Stone Age cave paintings in Lascaux, . On this day in History, Lascaux cave paintings discovered on Sep 1 1940. Learn more about what happened today on History.

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